A system change initiative that invites change makers to share a meal together while engaging in experiential learning of regenerative principles.

We use the ingredients and dishes to tell edible stories that inspire new ways of thinking, alongside interactive immersive activities that are designed to engage guests in experiencing what regeneration means and feels like.

The objective of the project is to use the dining experience to inspire food industry players to think about a regenerative food system and to build collaborative networks where there is agency to implement change. This happened at a How We Eat dinner for Mushlabs, an alternative protein start-up, where local food industry people - chefs, fermentation scientists, retailers, farmers and supply chain 'disrupters' were invited around the table. The evening was full of discussion and new relationships were formed around what a regenerative food system can look like.

For more info, head to the How We Eat site.


Five part educational programme

How We Eat educational programme is a holistic approach to building a sense of belonging and community through food. We invite local people to learn with each other and engage in a process of building new narratives for a future regenerative food system in their local regions. We do this by facilitating holistic food experiences that guide guests through new ways of thinking about regenerative food. 

There are three core aspects to the project: 

  • Holistic Learning: an inclusive pedagogical approach that includes learning by experiencing, by reflection, by conversation and by imaginative storytelling.

  • Building a sense of belonging through food: giving space for people to come together and build connections to each other and the food that makes their place unique

  • Imagination and playfulness - allowing people to explore their collective future creatively through storytelling to shape a new narrative that includes all voices.